Dirk Volcano

the body in the lounge by dirk volcano book 2 of 6 village detective series (1)

The Body in the Lounge

287 reviews

The Body in the Lounge by Dirk Volcano. Book 2 of the Village Detective series of cosy mysteries. In the historic corridors of Prickly Hall, Ginny Beans makes a chilling discovery: the strangled body of a mysterious woman. Swiftly, she turns to her astute friend, Biddy Apple, to unravel a web of secrets and deceit that lies beneath the surface of Thistlebrook’s tranquil facade.


The Secrets of Prickly Hall

“The Body in the Lounge” by Dirk Volcano is the eagerly awaited second installment in the Village Detective series of cosy mysteries. Set against the backdrop of Prickly Hall’s stately charm, readers are quickly plunged into a new enigma as the legacy of Thistlebrook unfolds.

A Grisly Discovery

Within the grand rooms and shadowed passages of Prickly Hall, Ginny Beans encounters a scene that sends ripples of shock through Thistlebrook: a stranger, strangled and left to be found. But who was she? And why was she in Prickly Hall?

Biddy Apple: Thistlebrook’s Astute Sleuth

There’s no mystery too great for Biddy Apple, the village’s most sharp-witted detective. As Ginny seeks her aid, Biddy embarks on a journey that will pull back the curtains on long-held secrets, hidden vendettas, and a history that intertwines the fates of its residents.

Truth Beneath Tranquility

The genteel setting of Thistlebrook might paint a picture of harmony, but beneath its tranquil facade lies a tapestry of secrets, waiting to be unraveled. With each clue, the depths of the village’s past emerge, revealing stories of love, betrayal, and motives that blur the lines between friend and foe.

Uncover the Mystery

Immerse yourself in a classic tale of suspense set in the heart of the English countryside. “The Body in the Lounge” is a cozy mystery that promises to captivate, intrigue, and keep you guessing until the very end.

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Reader Reviews

Gripping Till the Last Page!
The Body in the Lounge is an absolute thrill. Volcano's intricate plotting is sheer genius. A must-read for all mystery lovers!
Rebecca Langley
Mystery at Its Finest!
Volcano crafts a tale brimming with suspense and unexpected twists. The Body in the Lounge is a masterstroke in the cozy mystery genre!
Philip Hartman
A True Page-Turner!
Engrossing from start to finish. The Body in the Lounge captivates with its vivid characters and enthralling narrative. Kudos to Dirk Volcano!
Lila Thorton

The Body in the Lounge

Chapter 1: Silence at Prickly Hall

The sun was setting, casting an amber glow over Prickly Hall. This stately mansion, a crown jewel of Thistlebrook, stood tall and proud, having witnessed countless generations come and go. Its vast rooms, ornate archways, and shadowy passages whispered tales of old, each more intriguing than the last.

Ginny Beans, a young historian with a penchant for uncovering forgotten tales, had been granted permission to peruse the ancient manuscripts and records housed in Prickly Hall’s grand library. As she delved deeper into her research, the rich tapestry of Thistlebrook’s history unraveled before her eyes.

Engrossed in a particularly gripping letter from the 18th century, Ginny hardly noticed the time pass. However, a sudden gust of wind from an open window blew some papers off a nearby table, jolting her from her reverie. She rose to close the window, pausing to admire the garden bathed in twilight hues.

But as she turned back to the room, her gaze was drawn to an open door leading to the lounge. There, in the dim light, lay a woman, her face pale and her silk scarf wound tightly around her neck. Ginny’s heart raced. She had never seen this woman before, but the grim reality was clear—she had been strangled.

Panicking, Ginny reached for the telephone and dialed the number she had come to know all too well from her previous encounter with mystery—the residence of Biddy Apple.

Within minutes, Biddy, always swift to act, was at Prickly Hall, her familiar petite form and silver curls a comforting sight in the grim setting.

“What have we here?” Biddy mused aloud, her sharp eyes scanning the scene.

Ginny, trembling, replied, “I don’t know her, Biddy. I was engrossed in my research, and when I looked up, there she was.”

Biddy knelt beside the body, gently examining the scarf. “This isn’t a random act,” she murmured. “This scarf is of fine quality, and the knot… it’s deliberate.”

As the two of them pondered the mystery before them, Prickly Hall seemed to come alive, its corridors echoing with secrets of the past. Somewhere within its walls lay the answer to the identity of the woman and the reason for her untimely demise.

And so, in a mansion steeped in history, a new chapter was about to be written, one that would once again test the detective prowess of Biddy Apple and reveal the darker facets of Thistlebrook’s genteel facade.

All the books in the series by reading order.
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